Strong Objekt


We take our responsibility when it comes to people and the environment – today and tomorrow. Our Strong needle felt collection is ideal for sustainable and ecological construction and interior. For many architects and builders is our Strong collection the first choice, because it protects the environment and valuable resources-the perfect material for responsible and modern architecture.

Blue Angel Needlefelt

The Blue Angel

Our Strong 956, 745 S-L, 733 L, 511 LV, Compact 926 and Pixel 916 are awarded with the Blue Angel environmental label. The Blue Angel guarantees that Strong Objekt products meet the high environmental, health and performance requirements. The assessment for the Blue Angel certification takes the entire life cycle into account. The label provides independent and credible demanding standards for environmentally friendly products.

DGNB Needlefelt VEBE

DGNB Buildingcertificate – for sustainable architecture

Modern architecture builds on sustainability and ecology. Our innovative Strong Objekt needle felt qualities reach all the criteria regarding this aspect and are ecologically certified. Our needle felt nonwoven Strong Objekt qualities are ecologically safe and thus make an active contribution to ecological building design and sustainable maintenance. To ensure a comprehensive quality perspective, all relevant fields of sustainable construction are covered. VEBE offers builders and architects the necessary security already in the planning phase, so that the desired certificate is achieved. VEBE and their Strong Objekt qualities are thus labelled as green.

GUT Strong Objekt Needlefelt


All Strong Objekt needle felt carpets meet class 33 classifications and carry the „pollutant-tested carpeting“ seal of the GUT provided by the Association of Environmentally Friendly Carpets e.V. (Gemeinshaft umweltfreundlicher Teppichboden e.V.). The aim of GUT is to ensure improved environmental and consumer protection aspects throughout the life cycle of a textile floor covering. GUT constantly conducts product audits and annual verification tests with manufacturers based on the latest scientific findings. The GUT logo and registration number indicate that the product is registered in the PRODIS system. PRODIS is the first consumer information system that combines environmental and safety aspects, with the quality and utility features of the carpet.

ISO14001 VEBE Strong

ISO 14001:2015

VEBE, the manufacturer of the Strong Objekt collection, has achieved the ISO 14001:2015 environmental certificate! This certificate shows that VEBE has implemented an environmental management system with which they put effort into improving their own environmental performances. The ISO 14001:2015 is a world-renowned standard with requirements for environmental management systems formulated by the International Organization for Standardization. With this certificate VEBE proves that sustainability and environmental aspects are guaranteed in the company’s processes.

TÜV PROFICERT Needlefelt Flooring


Our Strong Objekt needle felt products are awarded with the TÜV PROFiCERT – Product Interior (PREMIUM) certificate. The label TÜV PROFiCERT provides information about the product and their manufacturing process regarding quality, health (emissions) and ecological (pollutant) principles. This means that the following emission limit values are also complied with:

  • BREEAM Exemplary Level
  • EU-Ecolabel
  • LEED v4 (outside North America)
  • RAL-UZ 128 (Blauer Engel)
  • Deutsche AgBB
  • Französische Emissionsklasse A+ nach französischer VOC-Verordnung
  • Österreichisches Umweltzeichen
  • Finnische M1-Klassifzierung
  • Belgische VOC-Verordnung

STeP OEKOTEX Needlefelt Flooring

STeP OEKO-TEX - Sustainanble Textile Production

The STeP OEKO-TEX® certification offers a comprehensive analysis and evaluation with regard to sustainable textile production conditions. The aim of the STeP certification is the permanent implementation of environmentally friendly production processes, optimal occupational health and safety and socially responsible working conditions. All OEKO-TEX® institutes carry out the analysis within the framework of six modules:

  1. Chemical management
  2. Environmental performance
  3. Environmental management
  4. Social responsibility
  5. Quality management
  6. Safety

VEBE scores on average level 3, exemplary implementation.

Sustainable Needlefelt Products

Want to see more of our products?

See here the Strong Objekt carpets made of sustainable materials. In the broad assortment there are many solutions available for all kinds of applications.

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